Fall Sweep, is a city-wide clean up campaign. Our goal is to have over 50 clean ups throughout the area and we need your support to reach this goal!
The 2024 "Fall Sweep Cleanup" campaign will occur September 11th and November 23rd.
We can help provide free cleanup supplies, volunteer recruitment, planning guides, marketing/media outreach, and other resources.
If your neighborhood does not need cleaning up, we can suggest a spot, or if you are not up for hosting your own event but you and your friends or organization want to join an existing clean up in your area, we can help with that too!
Looking for Volunteers? For those of you organizing event, you can get more information about how to list them with Volunteer Houston by contacting Edith Espino at [email protected].
Need Tools or Supplies? If you need any tools or supplies for your event, please reach out to the Houston Tool Bank and let them know you are working on a Fall Sweep project. Supplies are limited so please reach out ASAP if you will need these resources.
All ready to go? If you enter into the information about your event here, we will be sure to promote it for you!
Share your Event! Post about your event on Social Media using the hashtags #KeepHoustonBeautiful#FallSweep2024 We'll re-share what we see on our social media!