The Houston Clean City Commission (HCCC) was created to direct and oversee a comprehensive program for the purpose of beautification, litter reduction and recycling education in the City and to bring about a long-term improvement in the attitudes and trash handling habits of citizens. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council.
Alan Steinberg, Chair
Houston Clean City Commission |
Sara Tyler, Vice Chair
Reports Committee |
Jason Smith, Vice Chair
Events Committee |
Houston Clean City Commissioners
eticia Ablaza
Kate Abou-Chakra * Joyce Akins Priscilla Arguetta Razi Asaduddin Lora-Marie Bernard Thomas Boehme Kimberly Y. Burks Penny Butler Lori Carper Susan J. Cita Daniel Derozier * Joseph Dinnon Becky Edmondson * Ilsa Garcia * Huey German-Wilson Alexandria Griffin-Autrey Jose Grinan Arturo Gutierrez Walter Hambrick, Jr * Patricia Herrera Jonathan Howard Shelley Kennedy Luis H. LaRotta |
June Qian Liu
Joseph Machado ^ Miranda Maldonado * James G. Matujec Catherine Miers Melissa Moss Karen North Don Poarch Chris Patten Benjamin H. Proler Noah Rattler Shavonnah Schreiber Jason Smith Morris Smith Mark Solano James Spear Alan Steinberg *^ Adriana Tamez Sara Tyler ^ Dana Vazquez Mark C. Wilfalk Chris Wilmot Stephen Williams Drew D. Yearwood |
* Currently serving as KHB Board Members
^ Currently serving as a liaison to Houston 2026 World Cup Sustainability Committee
Keep Houston Beautiful board members are selected from among the commissioners to govern the 501(c)(3) organization.
^ Currently serving as a liaison to Houston 2026 World Cup Sustainability Committee
Keep Houston Beautiful board members are selected from among the commissioners to govern the 501(c)(3) organization.
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